Life Update

Hi All- It's Nikki.  Here is the update and blog post I hoped I would never have to write...

Matt Moore...husband, father, son, brother, grandson, son in law, brother in law, unconditional friend, die hard soccer player, coach, passionate entrepreneur, lover of fast cars, fantasy football obsessor, financial advocate, Fall Out Boy listener, Mexican food connoisseur, hiker, Rockee's dad, dreamer of all big things, anything Christmas lover, adventure seeker, cherry walnut bar hoarder, sports fan fanatic (especially Ducks, Packers, Timbers, and Blazers), wood worker "and things", family’s rock, believer, #livemoore creator, motivator, cancer warrior...and now angel. On April 25th, 2017, Matty peacefully went to heaven and will forever be in our hearts. 


Here is a letter I shared at Matt's celebrating life service:

On December 8, 2015- To the shock of the doctors  following a colonoscopy- it was announced to Matt and I that Matt had colon cancer.  My whole world stopped. The medical staff left and I looked at Matt over my 7 month pregnant belly. He uttered the words- "I knew it!" You see at 32 years old- my intuitive husband knew something was wrong with his body. Deeply wrong.

The next few months were a whirl wind filled with medical visits and deep grief set in for the unknown of our future. And then the most beautiful gift of Cullen Michael Moore was given to us. Matt was the most amazing "dada". Matt would shoo me away when Cullen was sleeping on his chest and usher me to take "me time" so he would have those sweet moments with Cullen.

Through lots of  reflections, prayers, and long talks a word began to come up over and over again in our family. BELIEVE. That word began to represent our belief that Matt would be healed through his battle against cancer.  Matt was determined to fight for his life for our family. And that he did! 19 rounds of chemo and 2 months of Gerson Therapy. Matt fought.

In Mexico, during my daily  prayers of asking for Matt to be healed I asked God for a sign that he was hearing me. I was getting a little impatient. Suddenly the wind stopped and the most peaceful feeling came over my heart. It was affirmation that god heard my prayer. I rushed up to tell Matt!!! We cried and hope filled our fight once again. 

A few weeks ago as I was driving through the desert crying in complete devastation of Matt's deteriorating health- I had this realization that perhaps God's answers to my prayers of healing didn't come in a bodily form but in a heavenly form. On the night that Matt took his final breath of earthy air and descended into the angel world- he granted me with the most peaceful feeling. The vary feeling that I was given by God just months ago. It was at that very moment that I believed that Matt was healed.




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